Kawaguchi Dam Natural Energy Museum(Kawaguchi Ene-Myu)

Must See!

Explore the exhibition of futuristic objects like digital art, robots and more!
Communication Robot / Exhibition location:Environment study room

sotaEnjoy conversations with our communication robot, Ene-sota or Myu-sota. Try asking them about  natural energy and sightseeing in Naka town.

4K display / Exhibition location:Environment study room

4k65You can watch an introduction video of Kawaguchi Dam and its hydroelectric power plant as well as a beautiful 4K movie of the Naka River and surrounding forests shot from a drone in cooperation with Naka Town. Enjoy an overwhelming visual experience with the latest technology.

Hydrogen Car / Exhibition location:Environment study room

hydrogen_carWatchi the miniature hydrogen car. The car is powered by fuel cell drives using hydrogen split from water through electrolysis at hydrogen filling station.

Hydrogen Production Experimental Device / Exhibition location:Environment study room

hydrogenSplit from water and turning back into water (by recombining with oxygen), hydrogen is an ultimate form of clean energy.
There is a hydrogen station at the Tokushima Prefectural Office, as well as some hydrogen cars being driven around in Tokushima.
The hydrogen production experimental device shows how solar energy produces hydrogen right before your eyes.

Experimental Tools (water, wind and solar energy) / Exhibition location:Environment study room

power_generationYou can use different experimental tools to learn how each natural energy system works. For example, create wind energy by fanning the wind mill to get the music to play.
The museum staff can provide explanations about the tools and how to use them, so please feel free to ask.

Panel Exhibition / Exhibition location:Environment study room

guidepaneruThe panel exhibition explains the mechanisms of water, wind and solar energy generation systems. Check them out if you would like to learn more about power generation.

Work sheets / Exhibition location:Environment study room

workseetWe have worksheets for elementary school students, which follow the government course guidelines. There are two types of work sheets: one for lower grade students and one for older grade students.

Handicraft workshops / Exhibition location:Environment study room

Available on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and school vacations.
These workshops are centered on including the participation of small children. Please check the schedule at the online event page.
*Costs vary per workshop according to the materials necessary.